Department of Geography

The Department of Geography was established in the year 1960 (since the inception of R.B.N.B. College). During the initial period, the subject was taught only at First and Second Year B.A. Classes. Prof. Mohod M. M. former head started Geography at a special/principal subject (UG level) from 1972-73 with the first batch of 13 students. In the year 2010-11 we started PG Course. Since 1960 the department is successfully run by faculty members.
Now the department is full-fledged actively engaged in teaching and research activities in order to cater the needs of today’s changing world. The department has all modern equipments, facilities, infrastructure, spacious laboratory and staff room that are required for teaching, learning and research. The faculty of department is engaged in teaching, research and extension activities. The department has been organizes various academic activities regularly in order to develop research culture among the learning community.